There are a lot of different kinds of clouds, most of which have latin names to describe how they are shaped, among other attributes. I'm going to tell you about my favorite clouds.

Cumulus clouds They are BIG, puffy clouds. They are dense and have clear edges so you can see when the cloud starts and ends. They look like they have shadows, with the tops and middles of the clouds being white and the bottoms being more gray and flat. Usually they are in one section of the sky.
Altocumulus clouds They cover the sky, taking up a large area. They are grey or white and look kind of like pressed popcorn, with smaller lumpy round clouds arranged together. When I see them, they usually cover the sky and have a fun pattern to them.
Cirrocumulus Clouds These are kind of like Altocumulus clouds in that they usually cover the sky in a sheet. However, cirrocumulus clouds are not usually shaded, and have the texture of a quilted blanket or a carpet. Sometimes they are very thin. Other times, they are thicker and look like the ridges in sand by the edge of a calm lake.
Stratocumulus clouds These are usually grey or whitish. When they cover the sky, they cover it. Like a thick fluffy blanket. This will sound silly, but it kind of looks like you're under a giant, white, fuzzy graham cracker.
Lenticular clouds They are a type of clouds that can have other attributes. For example, the altocumulus standing lenticular or cirrocumulus standing lenticular. They get the lenticular part of their name from the fact that they are stationary and hang out in the lowest part of the earth's atmosphere. They are uniquely shaped, varying from a "lens-like" shape, to a tornado shape, to... pastry shaped? They are often confused for UFOs.

My Photography

I like to take pictures of clouds because they are very pretty.




Collected Images (NOT MINE, with Citations)

You can find the original images on tumblr by clicking on the picture.

@ashenstars, @rosies-musings, @bluecapsicum

@annafridacharlotte, @geopsych, @sleepingswift85

@honeydewcorporation, @wanderingnewyork, @warakami-vaporwave

@flowerytale, @zegalba, @flesh-n-bonesss-main

@your-desert-heart, @grungeouttakesabstracts, @tiliona
