Right now, I'm into:
1) Still unnamed FACGCe (now named Cascade) song intro. It's played slightly too fast here, but the basics are there. I need to update it but do not currently have access to a classical guitar :( working on it.
2) OriginQuest theme with oboe and piano, draft 2. This was my first time transcribing on musescore 4 (or really at all) so I don't know how rough it is. The first half— before the little break and key change(?) I wrote for guitar along with the chords (which is why the chords are so weird). The rest I kind of went with on the fly while putting it into MS4.
3) I recorded this version of rose / bush / field on valentines day. It's a real bummer to be sick today, but I have my music :) I forgot to use a capo [lie].
lightning in a bottle | Sincerely Yours | rose / bush / field |
no. 2 | Whirling-in-Rags 8am | sburban jungle |
I sent a draft of the unnamed FACGce song to my good friend and they had some very nice comments :). Those comments also inspired me to pick a name finally! It only took me 2 years to pick one, but it's going to be called "Cascade". I wanted to pick something along the lines of "changing seasons", but keep the (forlorn? stormy? sweeping?) feeling of the song. And I think "cascade" is a good name. When I thing of something "cascading", I think of a violent waterfall— which is what I'm going for.
Unfortunately, I have soundcloud now [not anymore!]. There are some links above [no there aren't]. I uploaded my music final (may 2023), but that is the only new thing. The sburban jungle cover is the same as the one in the youtube video. I'm currently making a song using a sample of a whippoorwill call. Hope that goes well.
Today and yesterday I wrote a song for my good friend, "Sincerely Yours". The mixing and audio quality leave much to be desired, but that's what happens when you record with a headphone mic on garage band. Well, I put it up on soundcloud and sent it over so I hope they like it! (note: they did)
OH MY GOD HI. It's been a while and I forgot to talk about my discovery of wind singing in case anyone (me) is wondering (has forgotten) how wind singing works. It's a technique that has been used with harps for over a thousand years at this point, but from my knowledge it's a pretty new technique for guitars. You take an acoustic (pretty sure it's gotta be nylon string or at least not steel) and hold it up to moderate winds at an angle where you can play it, but the wind also glides across the body of the guitar and hits the strings, making them vibrate. It's really cool and my song "lightning in a bottle" is an improv session using wind singing I recorded on a windy day in August right after I learned how it worked. I really love how it sounds and would make more music with the technique, but I'm currently not in posession of a nylon guitar-- working on that. Still.
Hello! I'm alive. I've been mixing a lot of things for class and just did a huge export of the good songs I've done over the past two years. So, that'll be uploaded soon. I hope this summer will not lead to a music slump, but I am not optimistic about it.
OuuuuUuuuUUugggh I finally got rose / bush / field recorded and it went well! So that's up, phew. However, I have not been proud of any of the work I've produced for class in the past few months... so that makes me a bit sad to think about. I'm struggling musically at the moment.
Cascade | You could call Cascade my main deal. I've been working on it on and off over the past... man, over 2 years now. It's a solo guitar piece for classical guitar tuned to FACGce, my favorite tuning. At the moment (Dec 5 2023), I have all the pieces of the song in my mind in little boxes, but connecting them together has proved difficult. It's so close! Just not quite there yet. |
rose // bush // field | This one is basically done! Yay! I have everything sorted out in my head, I just need to find the time to record it. |
The Soundtrack To A Game That Doesn't Exist | I've got a lot of ideas... The videogame soundtracks of the last 15 years have had such a profound impact on my music taste, so I'd like to contribute something. I need some good practice with leitmotif, and videogames are, like, the leitmotif zone. So that should be fun when I have more time to think about my little guys and what their music would sound like. |